geographical analysis of the environment and society in a place

The purpose of the project is to delve deeply into a geographical analysis of the environment and society in a place I know well: my home town Hyderabad, India
The paper should be united by a clear thesis or research question (already part of the proposal). Please make sure you read and liberally use the proposal and the other notes already submitted for this project before starting this paper. The final paper should be 10-12 pages in length, APA citations, 12 point Times roman, double spaced, page number at the bottom of each page, and include the following components: 1. Introduction (~1 page): State the location that you studied and why it interests you. Either here or in your conclusion, specifically consider your relationship to this “place.” What aspects of it defy measurement, but make it real to you or other individuals who know it well? Briefly summarize what we will read in the rest of the paper, and introduce the argument or thesis that you will make. (~ 1 page) 2. Overview of physical geography (~3 pages): This section can be relatively short, up to three pages of text. Do your best to vividly describe the landscape in detail (for example, it has rolling hills, or is built on a series of inlets), including the climate type, the underlying geology, and/or flora and fauna. Try to make this section as engaging as possible. Cite outside resources to include information beyond what you already know. Please use pictures or google map images if possible.
3. Human habitation over time (~2 pages): Discuss how humans have changed the environment in this place, from the earliest settlement to the present. This can include descriptions of historical land use and development, agriculture, transportation, industry, etc. Did different sets of populations arrive to the region at different times? Are there legacy land uses such as intensive agriculture or mining that have left an imprint today? Be sure to cite information to demonstrate it is based on reliable data. 4. The place today (~2 pages): What is the location like today? Consider transportation, housing, key economic sectors, and demographics. Does the area have environmental plans in place, such as to reduce carbon emissions, restore a watershed, or increase recycling? 5. Identify and assess a key environmental concern (~2 pages): Within the context presented in the preceding sections, identify a contemporary environmental issue in your town. What is the issue, and who are the stakeholders? Critically examine the concern: what are its sources and impacts, and how do you recommend stakeholders—including policymakers—proceed? 6. Conclusion (~1 page): Summarize your findings and argument. Then let them lead you to a set of clear, succinct conclusions. This may include specific recommendations for your area and/or implications of your site for broader issues taking place at a regional, national, or global scale. The use of relevant data in the form of tables, maps, images, or graphs is encouraged and does not count toward the page total. Remember that visuals should always be discussed clearly in the written text, be cited appropriately, and include captions. Visuals should not replace textual analysis, but rather supplement them. All data and arguments should be based on reliable source material. Primary sources, including newspapers, census data, or historical data, are of particular interest. Papers should include atleast 10 sources, with five of these coming from academic sources (such as peer-reviewed journals) or formal government data, such as census data (already part of the annotated bibliography section of the proposal)
This assignment fulfills the GPAC Tier One requirements on “Critical Thinking.” The paper is due via Blackboard, where it will be automatically reviewed for plagiarism. The paper will be evaluated based on the following rubric: Paper component Effectively answers each part of the prompt, including offering accurate information about environmental and social context in the focus site (GPAC attribute A) Analysis is based on clear evidence drawn from at least 10 sources (GPAC attribute A) Offers the students’ own critical analysis of the topic and scholarly literature on it (GPAC attribute B) Presents a clear argument or thesis, based on evidence (GPAC Attribute C) Follows formatting guidelines and has minimal textual errors Points (20 total)

. Describe the Spanish weaponry.

Guns, Germs, and Steel: Episode 2
Directions: Create a copied version of this file (file -> make a copy),
Before viewing the film, read each question below so you know what information and ideas you should be looking for as you watch Episode 2. Record your answers to each question by providing as many facts, details, and examples as possible to answer each question. Answers are to be typed and written in complete sentences.
1. Describe the Spanish weaponry. Describe the Incan weaponry. Explain in detail 2 reasons why Diamond believes the Spanish weaponry had come to be so superior to that of the Inca?
2. Explain 3 ways in which horses were a significant advantage to the Spanish?
3. Name 3 aspects of the Incan war strategy against the Spanish that led to their battle loss and the capture of their leader?
4. Why were the Inca so susceptible to the germs carried to the New World by the Spanish?
5. What role did domesticated animals play in New World and Old World human diseases?
6. The Inca did not develop disease resistance from their alpacas. Why not?
7. What does Diamond refer to as Pizarro’s “secret weapon”?
8. The Inca did not possess/utilize written language? Why not?
9. How did written language directly benefit the Spanish in their fight against the Inca?
10. It is said that humans invent what is needed for their survival…that “necessity is the mother of invention”. What does this mean to you?