share with your team your proposed questions and how you would answer them. Cons

share with your team your proposed questions and how you would answer them. Consider the tools you have at your disposal (Excel filtering, Excel pivot table, Access queries, etc.). Identify at least one question that you could answer with a multi-table Access query.
What is your general question or topic and why did you choose it? What specific questions will you try to answer through analyzing the AirBnB data?
What Excel and Access tools do you plan to use to analyze the data? (Use at least one Access query)
The Questions are: “Who are the usual New York City Airbnb hosts and guests? What potential shifts in these demographics exist among various listing categories or neighborhoods?”
“What impact does the abundance of Airbnb listings have on the local real estate market, specifically about the cost of rent and the availability of long-term rentals?”
“When are the busiest seasons, and how do these patterns affect the local community and hosts?”

Overview The thesis will explore the transformative role of Information and Comm

Overview The thesis will explore the transformative role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in healthcare delivery, with a focus on health informatics and telemedicine. It will investigate how big data analytics in health informatics can enhance patient care and outcomes, and how the expansion of telemedicine services can improve access to healthcare. Objectives Understand and analyze the current landscape of ICT in healthcare, specifically health informatics and telemedicine. Research and evaluate the application and impact of big data analytics within health informatics. Examine the expansion of telemedicine services, their effectiveness, and their contribution to improving healthcare access. Identify challenges, limitations, and potential solutions within these domains. Structure and Content Introduction Provide a comprehensive background that outlines the significance of ICT in healthcare. Clearly define the problem statement, highlighting existing gaps and challenges. State the research objectives and questions. Explain the significance and potential contributions of the study. Literature Review Conduct a thorough review of existing literature on health informatics, big data analytics in healthcare, and telemedicine. Utilize frameworks like the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Diffusion of Innovations Theory to underpin the research. Identify gaps in the current research landscape that this thesis will address. Methodology Detail the research design and rationale, specifying whether the approach is qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods. Describe the data collection methods, including sources, tools, and procedures. Outline the data analysis techniques, explaining how the data will be interpreted. Address ethical considerations relevant to the research. Results Present the findings of the research in a structured manner, using tables, graphs, and charts where appropriate. Ensure the results are directly linked to the research questions and objectives. Discussion Interpret the findings, discussing their implications for healthcare delivery, health informatics, and telemedicine. Compare and contrast the results with the literature reviewed earlier. Discuss the limitations of the study and its potential impact on the validity of the findings. Offer recommendations for future research and practical applications in the field. Conclusion Summarize the key findings and their significance. Reflect on the research objectives and the extent to which they were achieved. Highlight the contribution of the thesis to the field and suggest areas for further investigation. References Compile a comprehensive list of all sources cited in the thesis. Adhere to a specific citation style (APA). Appendices Include any supplementary material that supports the research, such as survey/questionnaire instruments, detailed data analysis outputs, etc.

Most banks will fall into multiple categories of digital business models. Traditionally banks will use the omnichannel model to provide access to its services through multiple means, such as online, in-person, over the phone, and through a mobile app.

Prompt: In your responses to your peers, provide feedback on their explanations. Your feedback should be constructive and should address the following:
How do their posts help clarify the concepts for you?
What in their posts causes confusion for you?
What other information could your peers have included in their responses?
Most banks will fall into multiple categories of digital business models. Traditionally banks will use the omnichannel model to provide access to its services through multiple means, such as online, in-person, over the phone, and through a mobile app. However they also cover other models such as becoming ecosystem drivers by offering services for major life events. The customer relationship management process for a financial institution is based on building the trust of their clients. Financial institutions must analyze both the speed at which users can receive their data, and they level of security that is perceived by those users. This could be seen through the actions of users or by things like user surveys. I think that financial institutions should pay close attention to analytics, but not be trapped in them. Analytics don’t always tell the full story, so financial institutions need to remain flexible in their processes so they can tailor their business model to fit with changing circumstances. PEER POST # 2
Banks and financial companies are taking full advantage of advancing technologies to improve their business models. By switching to an all online model they are able to immediately respond to customer requests and provide better services. With insurance companies all the information you need is included in the app and it is relatively easy to file claims on your phone, at least from my experience. Customer relations are a little different than how they used to be. Companies are able to tailor there products to more diverse audiences, in my banking app you can customize and change what is on the homepage so each person can pick and choose what is important to them instead of just having a basic layout. In my opinion the most important business processes involve adaptability and transparency. In todays society people want to know about the ethics and direction that a company has before making decisions. Personally I will never use Bank of America because they have a history of not taking care of customers and constant data breaches. Since we are able to see companies shortcomings extremely easy they need to prove they can keep up and treat employees correctly. Frequent reviews and innovations will allow companies to stay with the pace of the digital world and will help them provide good value that will keep customers returning.

Compare and contrast your answers to further everyone’s understanding of technology and the lens of history.

Prompt: For your response posts, address the following:
1. Compare and contrast your answers to further everyone’s understanding of technology and the lens of history.
Technology is increasingly prominent in shaping society in today’s rapidly evolving world. However, to truly understand the impact of technology on our lives, it’s essential to examine it through the lens of history. Tracing the historical roots of technological advancements and their societal implications can give us valuable insights into the complex relationship between technology and society.
A compelling example of how history enriches our understanding of technology’s role in society is the current debate surrounding privacy concerns in the era of digital surveillance. One recent news event that echoes historical parallels is the controversy surrounding government surveillance programs, such as the NSA’s mass collection of digital communications data.
A relevant historical counterpart to this issue can be found in the widespread surveillance practices employed by governments during the Cold War era, exemplified by programs like COINTELPRO in the United States. By examining past surveillance and its impact on society, we can draw parallels to contemporary debates and understand how technological advancements have amplified both the benefits and risks of surveillance.
News Link:
Looking through the history lens helps us connect and analyze current and historical events by providing context and perspective. By understanding the historical evolution of technology and its societal implications, we can identify recurring patterns, anticipate potential consequences, and make more informed decisions about the role of technology in our lives.
Analyzing the relationship between history, culture, and technology has profound implications for various disciplines, professions, and personal experiences. In academia, studying this relationship fosters interdisciplinary approaches that bridge the gap between technology and the humanities, enabling scholars to explore the cultural, ethical, and social dimensions of technological innovation.
In professional settings, such as technology development or policy-making, an understanding of history and culture helps practitioners anticipate the societal impact of their work, mitigate potential risks, and design more inclusive and ethical solutions. Moreover, for individuals navigating the digital age, historical insights provide a deeper understanding of the forces shaping their technological landscape, empowering them to evaluate new technologies and advocate for positive societal change critically.
Analyzing the role of technology through a historical lens can greatly enhance my understanding of its impact on society. By looking back at how technologies have developed and been adopted in the past, we can gain insights into the patterns and trends that shape our current technological landscape. Understanding the historical context of technological advancements can also help us appreciate the significance of these innovations and the challenges they have overcome.
One current event involving technology with a historical counterpart is the rise of cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, and its impact on financial systems. The concept of digital currencies has historical roots in early attempts to create digital cash, such as eCash and DigiCash in the 1990s. By examining these past efforts, we can better understand the challenges and opportunities facing cryptocurrencies today, such as regulatory issues, security concerns, and adoption barriers.
Analyzing the relationship between history, culture, and technology can profoundly influence my cybersecurity and social engineering discipline. By understanding the historical context of security breaches and cyberattacks, I can better anticipate future threats and develop more effective security strategies. Additionally, considering the cultural implications of technology can help me design more user-friendly and culturally sensitive security solutions.

Symmetric encryption requires less computational complexity, it uses one key to encrypt and decrypt and the key is shorter in length as compared to asymmetric encryption.

Prompt: In response to your peers, select one of the situations described by a peer and think about a way that you could increase the overall security measures of the situation. Use a systems thinking approach, and think outside of the box!
Symmetric encryption requires less computational complexity, it uses one key to encrypt and decrypt and the key is shorter in length as compared to asymmetric encryption. This makes symmetric encryption the most efficient and reliable option for large transfers of data such as emails, files, securing communication through closed systems and VPN’s. It’s also widely compatible with most hardware and software. Asymmetric encryption utilizes two keys, one public to encrypt and the other private to decrypt. This can slow down efficiency due to the use of more than one key but is considered more secure for that very reason. Asymmetric encryption is best suited for applications such as block chain transactions, banking, digital signatures and authentication. However, it is more practical to use both, the data or message can be encrypted with symmetric encryption while the session key or signature can be encrypted with asymmetric. PEER POST # 2
Symmetric encryption utilizes a single key for process of decryption and encryption. Symmetric encryption is said to be faster for both encryption and decryption as only one key is utilized, this allows for this process to be both fast and efficient. A situation where this is most appropriately used is when sending data over a secure network within a corporation. This allows for larger amounts of data to be transmitted not only faster but also strong security as they within their own network. Asymmetric encryption utilizes two keys, one for the process of decryption, and one for the process of encryption. With speed in mind asymmetric encryption is obviously slower and not as efficient. Asymmetric encryption does however offer greater security as it has both a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption. This would more appropriately be used when sending an email or signing a document as it assists the the verification of identity.

Discuss the differences between while and for loops. Can you think of some examples of when a for loop would be the best structure to use?

Nested loops are used to handle any spreadsheet-type set of data, in which the outer loop manages the rows while the inner loop manages the columns.
Discuss the differences between while and for loops. Can you think of some examples of when a for loop would be the best structure to use?
Also, discuss the number of times a loop executes may depend on a constant or on a variable that changes.

You are a network administrator at XYZ, a large, publicly traded healthcare organization. XYZ has 25 sites across the region, 2,000 staff members, and thousands of patients.

You are a network administrator at XYZ, a large, publicly traded healthcare organization. XYZ has 25 sites across the region, 2,000 staff members, and thousands of patients.
Protecting sensitive customer information is highly important to XYZ management and stakeholders. Due to the nature of business and HIPAA requirements, XYZ is audited regularly. Your manager wants you to identify five critical controls that are typically verified during a compliance audit. The controls should be a part of the CIS Security Controls (Formerly known as the SANS Critical Security Controls for Effective Cyber Defense).
Based on this organizational scenario, complete the following tasks:
• Explain data recovery capabilities throughout the IT infrastructure that must be verified for compliance.
• Formulate a plan to help the organization strengthen data recovery capabilities.
Write a report that addresses the tasks above.
Submission Requirements for the Project document:
Format: Microsoft Word or compatible, APA format
Font: Font: New Times Roman, 12 pts,