Choose a company where you’d like to work someday. Research that company’s organ

Choose a company where you’d like to work someday. Research that company’s organizational culture. A good place to start is the company’s website. You can also search for news stories about the company, job listings from the company, and social media posts by or about the company.

Answer these questions:
Based on your research, which of the seven dimensions of organizational culture does the company most closely align with? Use evidence to support your conclusion.
What sources have influenced the company’s culture most significantly?
How does the company maintain its culture?
After learning more about the company’s culture, do you still want to work there? Explain why you think the company would or wouldn’t be a good fit for you.

Please respond to the following posts individually in no more than 50 words 1. S

Please respond to the following posts individually in no more than 50 words
1. SM-Why is there a need for organizations like Kiva? Explains the principle of the “invisible hand” according to Adam Smith as related to entrepreneurs. Organizations like Kiva are needed because they address fundamental gaps in traditional financial systems. A philosopher named Adam Smith introduced the concept of the “invisible hand” in his influential work, “The Wealth of Nations.” The invisible hand refers to the self-regulating nature of markets, where individuals acting in their self-interest unknowingly promote the collective good of society.
Why is lending money to entrepreneurs a better idea in developing an economy than seeking donations to alleviate economic hardships?
To help reduce economic hardships in developing economies, lending money to entrepreneurs is more effective than seeking donations because it encourages responsible risk-sharing between lenders and borrowers, market-driven strategies, sustainable development, individual responsibility, and a positive impact on the economy. It allows entrepreneurs to give back to their community, and create job opportunities!
Discuss why many think capitalism gives entrepreneurs the best opportunity to be successful. Why would an entrepreneur in the United States need a microloan from
Many believe that capitalism provides entrepreneurs with the best opportunity for success because it promotes creativity, and entrepreneurial activity, and permits people to freely follow their economic interests, many individuals think that capitalism offers entrepreneurs the best chance for success.’s platform allows entrepreneurs to leverage the power of community support and receive funding from individuals who believe in their vision and potential.
2. AB-Kiva provide essential capital to small entrepreneurs in developing economies, fostering economic growth and reducing poverty. Microloans from Kiva promote long-term sustainability by empowering individuals to invest in their businesses, generating income, and breaking the cycle of poverty. Unlike donations, repayment of these loans creates a cycle of support, stimulating economic development. Capitalism’s emphasis on competition and innovation offers entrepreneurs opportunities for success, yet some in the US, especially from marginalized communities, may still need microloans from Kiva to overcome financial barriers and achieve their business goals.

Instructions: Read at least one article from Article Set 1. Tell us what articl

Instructions: Read at least one article from Article Set 1. Tell us what article you read and your reaction to the article. Your ‘audience’ is your peers, so write your reaction to be of the most value to them. It can include things like:
What was new or surprised you?
What you agree or disagree?
What in your own experience corresponds to what you read?
What was the main ‘takeaway’?
Should your peers read it or not? Why or why not?
After posting your own article comments, respond to at least two of your peers posts. Your response can include:
Do you plan to (or already have) read the article? Why or why not?
What in your experiences corresponds to what was described in your peer’s post?
Do you agree with what your peer posted. Please post your initial article reactions by Day 3.
The Articles Used

How Entrepreneurs Identify New Business Opportunities

Knowledge at Wharton Podcast
How Entrepreneurs Identify New Business Opportunities
November 9, 2009 • 19 min listen 2.),an%20idea%20into%20an%20opportunity.
5.1 Entrepreneurial Opportunity
3.) Attachment.
Why sustainability is now the key driver of Innovation
Writes Ram Nidumalu.

WEEKY SUMMARY INSTRUCTIONS: Reflect on what you’ve learned this week using the w

Reflect on what you’ve learned this week using the weekly writing prompts below as inspiration. The writing prompts below relate directly to the objectives for that week’s learning.
Use your own words (do not copy & paste from the online reading or outside sources).
Instead, determine what you “took away” from the section, organize your thoughts, and then demonstrate your understanding.
There is no specific word count for this weekly reflective summary, but your response should demonstrate your learning for the week. (350 words )would be a guideline.
Week 2 reflective writing prompt:
What is the importance of effective communication? Are you communicating effectively? How can you/will you improve your communication skills? What else would you like to reflect on this week?
1.Communication as the creation-meaning.
2.effective business writing
3. effective public speaking

Kalen is a seventeen-year-old minor who has just graduated from high school. He

Kalen is a seventeen-year-old minor who has just graduated from high school. He is attending a university two hundred miles from home and has contracted to rent an apartment near the university for one year at $500 per month. He is working at a convenience store to earn enough income to be self-supporting. After living in the apartment and paying monthly rent for four months, he becomes involved in a dispute with his landlord. Kalen, still a minor, moves out and returns the key to the landlord. The landlord wants to hold Kalen liable for the balance of the payments due under the lease. Discuss fully Kalen’s liability in this situation.

2. In this discussion, you will consider the sustainability practices of a busin

2. In this discussion, you will consider the sustainability practices of a business or organization that you frequently engage with. Discussing challenges that face our world often means investigating opinions and ideas different from your own. Remember to remain thoughtful and respectful towards your peers and instructor in your initial and response discussion posts. Create one initial post and respond to at least two of your classmates. For your initial post, address the following: Describe the sustainability practices of a business or organization that you frequently engage with. (You can usually find this information online by searching for the name of the business or organization, along with “sustainability strategy” or “environmental goals.”) How do you think the business or organization is greenwashing? Explain. How is the business or organization being socially responsible? Explain. For your response posts, address the following: How do you agree or disagree with your peer about how the business or organization is greenwashing and how it is being socially responsible? How well do you think the sustainability practices of the business or organization your peer mentioned are actually working? Give reasons to support your answer. For example, imagine that your peer mentioned that a company is making efficient and recycled packaging, but you know that the company’s vans are diesel pollutants. You can point out inconsistencies and so forth. Remember, your contributions to the discussion play an important part in building the classroom learning community. This assignment is graded on the quality of your initial post and at least two response posts to your classmates. If you refer to any resources, be sure to include an attribution (or citation) for each. Brightspace allows the addition of video notes in discussion posts. You may use the Video Note tool to complete this assignment. Written posts are equally acceptable. If you use Video Note, your video should be 2-5 minutes long. If you need assistance using Video Note, please refer to the resources in the Start Here module.

Based on the discussion made in Chapter-1 regarding the value creation concept, explain how a SR100 Timex watch and a SR20000 Rolex watch deliver value to their respective target markets?

Reading required: – Read Chapter 1, 2, and 5 carefully and then answer the following questions based on your understanding.
1. Based on the discussion made in Chapter-1 regarding the value creation concept, explain how a SR100 Timex watch and a SR20000 Rolex watch deliver value to their respective target markets? Which factors account for this dramatic difference in watch prices? Critically examine and provide your answer.

Leaders driving digital transformation must ensure that their employees are both engaged and committed; success is not based on implementing new technologies alone, instead it is judged by the successful adoption by employees and customers alike.

Leaders driving digital transformation must ensure that their employees are both engaged and committed; success is not based on implementing new technologies alone, instead it is judged by the successful adoption by employees and customers alike. Specifically, you should reflect on how Leadership should approach: i. encouraging innovation and an innovative culture ii. developing of a supportive environment iii. ensuring the organization is future-read I am doing a professional diploma in Digital leadership. Description using models/frameworks – Analysis – Conclusions – Recommendations Show us that you: – understand the models/frameworks – can apply them correctly – can draw conclusions and recommendations from your analysis Four Elements 1. Description 30% 2. Reflection 30% 3. Reflection-for-Action 30% 4. Structure and Writing Ability 10%